
Invited speakers – convegno 2015


11 E 12 Dicembre – Pavia

11/12 Aula del ‘400: Università degli Studi di Pavia, Strada Nuova, 65 – Pavia

12/12 Aula Magna Superiore: Università degli Studi di Pavia, Strada Nuova, 65 – Pavia

Keith Taber



After graduating in chemistry, Keith Taber trained as a graduate teacher of chemistry and physics, and taught sciences in comprehensive secondary schools in England. He moved into further education where he taught physics and chemistry to A level, science studies to adult students, and research methods on an undergraduate education programme. He acted as the mentor for trainee science teachers on placement at the college.

Whilst working as a teacher Keith earned a diploma in the Practice of Science Education, his masters degree (MSc) for research into girls’ under-representation in physics and his doctorate for research into conceptual development in chemistry.

Keith joined the Faculty of Education in 1999. Initially he was involved primarily in initial teacher education, and for a number of years he was responsible for the Science/Physics route on the Secondary Partnership PGCE course which offers a Master’s level qualification in education from the University of Cambridge as well as the government’s national Qualified Teacher Status. Increasingly Dr Taber’s teaching shifted to higher degrees work, and he has held management roles for the part-time PhD and the master’s programme (MEd and MPhil courses). Dr Taber now teaches educational research methods across a range of faculty courses, whilst leading the Science, Technology and Mathematics Education academic group.

Keith Taber was the Royal Society of Chemistry‘s Education Award Winner 2014, an award made “For extensive research that has contributed significantly to the teaching and learning of chemistry concepts”.

Fran Riga



Fran comes from a background of teaching science and mathematics in secondary schools in South Africa, Greece (International School), and England. In her doctoral research she investigated secondary students’ conceptual development in astronomy topics. She has worked on a number of research projects in the Faculty of Education in areas such as science education for the gifted, assessment, inquiry-based science education, and dialogic approaches in secondary education. Areas of particular interest to her are: conceptual development and associated thinking processes, education for the gifted in science (esp. females), dialogic approaches to teaching and learning, inquiry-based science education, adaptive learning, and both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies in educational research.