“It is precisely human creative activity that makes the human being a creature oriented toward the future, creating the future and thus altering his own present” (Lev S. Vygotskij)
2023, May 19-20, Pavia (Italy)
University of Pavia – Corso Strada Nuova, 65
Giovanni Emanuele Corazza
Full Professor at the University of Bologna (School of Engineering), President of the Guglielmo Marconi Foundation, founder of the Marconi Institute for Creativity. The Marconi Institute deals with creativity as a discipline and, based on scientific research, provides training interventions and professional application. His works embrace the fields of telecommunications, computer science, creativity.
Unnur Ottarsdottir
Art therapist based in Iceland. Researcher at the Reykjavik Academy and a lecturer at the Iceland University of the Arts. Has taught and given lectures internationally as well as written both articles and book chapters on art therapy in education, memory drawing, and grounded theory methodology. One of the leading scientists on the subject of memory drawing.
Sarah Faasse
Art therapist based in The Netherlands, working at Stichting Feniks Ontwikkelingsbegeleiding, a Dutch Association dedicated to gifted or high ability teenagers and adolescents partially or fully dropped out of the regular educational system.
Creativity is one of the activities supporting educational challenges and developmental processes, integrating peer contact as well.
Jessica Rendina
People & Culture Manager in Nhood Service Italy (a consulting services company in Real Estate). She works to make Corporate Training, in all its forms, a strategic lever for the development of people and their talent. Graduated in Languages, she obtains a Master HR Specialist at the Sole 24 Ore Business School. Certified NLP Practitioner first level.
Prof. Alessandro Antonietti – Cattolica University, Milano, Italy
Dott. Matteo Chiappedi – UONPIA ASST, Vigevano, Itay
Prof. Cesare Cornoldi – University of Padova, Italy
Prof.ssa Maria Cinque – Lumsa- Rome, Italy
Dott.ssa Eugenia Ferrara – Fondazione Golinelli, Bologna, Italy
Prof.ssa Raffaella Guglielmann – University of Pavia, Italy
Prof.ssa Margherita Lang – ARP, Milan, Italy
Ing. Piera Levi-Montalcini – Associazione Levi Montalcini
Prof.ssa Olimpia Niglio – University of Pavia, Italy
Dott.ssa Donatella Penna – School Principal, N. Copernico High school, Pavia, Italy
Prof.ssa Lina Pezzuti – La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
Prof.ssa Daniela Traficante – Cattolica University, Milano Italy
Prof.ssa Maria Assunta Zanetti – University of Pavia, Italy
NB: Program being updated
The current one is the ninth edition of the International Conference yearly organized by LabTalento- The Italian Laboratory of Research and Development of Potential, Talent and Intellectual Giftedness – University of Pavia. Started in 2012, interrupted by the pandemic, last one was last March 2019: From intelligence to intelligences. Supporting and sustaining the development of potential.
A brand-new event dedicated to the professionals dealing with giftedness and high ability, talent, potential development (researchers, psychologists, teachers, paediatricians, neuropsychiatrists, educators) and parents, to show the current state of Italian and international research and the possible outcomes in the different growth environments.
Focus of the Conference will be Creativity as an essential skill to be developed and empowered in everyone, starting from school, where creativity and creative thinking should become a curricular discipline. Too often Creativity is almost banned from education, since considered something only few individuals (artists or geniuses) own. But that’s not the case. Creative thinking, as the ability to see beyond schemes, observe reality in a new way, finding original solutions to problems can be cultivated. It could be a useful and effective tool in all contexts: school, work, social life and relationships.
New Book

During the conference the new book by LabTalento will be presented by the authors.
Creativity & School
Creativity & Adults
Creativity & Innovation
Creativity & Business
Creativity & Society
Will be accepted contributions in the following areas:
- Giftedness
- Talent development
- Intelligences
- Creativity
- Educational methodologies (preschool, primary and secondary school, university)
- Talent and potential
- Art and Art therapy
- Enrichment and empowerment programs
Under construction
You may submit your contribution by 1 April by filling in the appropriate online form. Data required:
- Authors (surname, first name, affiliations)
- Email address of the first author
- Scope of assistance (maximum of 3)
- Title
- Abstract (1000 characters max).
- Key words (5)
- Bibliography (5 references max)
Email to formazione.labtalento(at)
Early booking: from March 1 to April 20
Regular Booking: from April 21
Sending proposa: April 1
Receiving feedback: April 10