Dall’intelligenza alle intelligenze:

sostenere e accompagnare lo sviluppo del potenziale 

Pavia, 29-30 Marzo 2019

Università degli Studi di Pavia Corso Strada Nuova, 65 – Aula del ‘400

INTELLIGENZA, SVILUPPO, CREATIVITA’, DIDATTICA: 4 parole chiave attorno alle quali si sviluppa il PROGRAMMA delle due giornate di congresso.

Clicca qui per la LOCANDINA con il programma dettagliato (pdf)

Qui per il COMUNICATO STAMPA (pdf)


\"\"Dr. Mojca Juriševič 

Centre for Research and Promotion of Giftedness

Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana (CRSN)


Mojca Juriševič is Associate Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education. Her research interests span the fields of learning and teaching with studies focusing on topics such as motivation to learn, self-concept, creativity, gifted education, portfolio development, mentoring, and teacher professional development. She has been involved in many research projects and she has published books, chapters and papers in both national and international peer-reviewed periodicals. She is the Head of the Centre for Research and Promotion of Giftedness at the Faculty of Education University of Ljubljana. She is a member of different scientific and professional organizations on national and international level and she serves as the Chair of the division

In parallelo alle attività congressuali verranno proposti laboratori didattici esperienziali per bambini/e e ragazzi/e (6-13 anni) secondo il modello dei Laboratori STIMA: clicca per visualizzare il programma dei lab del 30/3

Locandina 2019 congresso - venerdi
Locandina 2019 congresso - sabato